Saturday, May 25, 2013

Marked by Jennifer James *Spotlight, Review, and Giveaway*

Today I have Jennifer James popping by to tell us about her new paranormal release Marked (Howl #1). I picked this one up last week and read it. This book was hot! The author told a great story about two destined mates finding their way back to one another and then she heated the pages up. If you take a look at the cover, you'll notice Kayla is bound. Yes folks, that means we get some hot Dominance and submissive action.

Jack is a hero who will make you swoon. He was perfect in every way and very understanding toward Kayla. How she stayed away from him for 5 years, beats me. I'm ready for more Jack already.

If you like paranormal and you like your books hot, this is this story for you.

Now, I hand the blog over to Jennifer:

I have a bad habit of creating series. I love to read them, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I keep writing them. *grin* Last week I released my very first Indie title, a short story set in a universe called HOWL. This universe will be in the spirit of Felicity Heaton’s Vampire Realms, with lots of different characters, book lengths, and storylines. I hope you’ll enjoy my take on werewolf soul mates in this first installment, MARKED.


Five years ago she ran. . .

Kayla is back where she belongs: in Jack’s arms. But after the initial explosion of pent up longing and need have passed, she has to convince him to complete the bond between them.

Ingrained fears sent her running, but the need for her mate and the love she’s denied has brought her back. To be Marked will join their souls together forever, a bond Kayla can no longer live without.

An Alpha wolf, Jack waited for Kayla to return to him and protected her from afar. When he senses her outside his home, he isn’t beyond setting a trap meant to entice her back.

Once he has her, he has to show her it isn’t just her heart he needs.

He needs her trust and with it, her submission.

To celebrate the release of MARKED, I’m running a Rafflecopter through May 31. In it, there’s a chance to win a gorgeous book thong I created! I also two some Jennifer James swag packs up for grabs. But don’t worry, if the Rafflecopter doesn’t smile on you, I’m hosting a Facebook party May 31. There will be ebooks, awesome swag, and lots of games.

Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Smashwords 

Author Bio: 

Jennifer James lives in a fantasy land where it’s always 75 degrees and sunny, a river made of non-fat chocolate runs past her house, and dogs don’t poop. (She hates cleaning up dog pooh.) A mutli-published author of erotica and erotic romance, she loves to write stories with heat, heart, and happily ever afters.

Find me on the web!

Website: | FaceBook: | GoodReads: | Twitter: | Instagram

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting me Lacey! :)